May 20th  Digging Deeper
    Segment 1      


from the News Page

National Zoo Sumatran Tiger CubCam

 Soyono, one of the Zoo's Sumatran tigers, had her second litter—three cubs—on May 2, 2004. You may see Soyono nursing or cleaning her cubs. . Fewer than 500 Sumatran tigers live in the wild—all on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

t h e n . . . 

Field Sketching & Journaling

~ let's get started ~

 with your host: Sidney Wildesmith

If you really want to learn about journaling CLICK HERE so that you can follow the discussion with corresponding pictures and examples.


  Segment 2      


You can participate in this amazing experience taking place right now. From this daily chronicle, you can witness the ups and downs of this historic unearthing of a 65 million year-old T. Rex being covered on-line. Talk with the man who is directing this project as he takes a break to talk with YOU!

Peter Larson ~ Paleontologist & President of BHI (Black Hills Geological Institute)

Segment 3      

with Stephanie Eskins

A very useful online series of courses to learn about improving wildlife habitats, protecting endangered species and much more to come. Graduate, and become a Habitat Ambassador Volunteer. Learn to make a real difference in your own back yard, neighborhood and world.

Take any of these courses:

Providing Food for Wildlife * Providing Water for Wildlife  *   Providing Cover for Wildlife  *   Providing Places to Raise Young  *   Sustainable Gardening Practices  *   Backyard Habitat and Schoolyard Habitat *   Nature's Fire Alarms   *  The Gray Wolf   *  Whooping Crane  *  Chinook Salmon  *   Invasive Species   *  Florida Panther   *  The Plight of the Houston Toad and Other Amphibians

And it's all for free!