

Jeff Mitchum: Things You Need to Know to be a Great Nature Photographer.

The life and photography of Jeff Mitchum.

In 3 segments.

  Environmental Film Festival

Janet Cohen Festival Coordinator. Nevada City, CA

Adam Shapiro, Co-Producer of "Darfur Diaries," discusses the legacy of Darfur, and what brought him to the point of traveling to Darfur with Aisha Bain and Jen Marlowe, who became the co-producers of "Darfur Diaries."       (hour-long show in 3 parts)

Taking Great Outdoor Pictures:  David Kassanoff of Kodak tells you how.
Pale Male Nest Destroyed! Lincoln Karim from the street in NYC. . . LIVE!

Tom Mangelsen: Images of Nature 

Walden at 150: Scot Miller
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore 

MountainVisions extraordinary panoramic online adventures